Roasted Brussels Sprouts And Carrots With Hot Honey (Edit recipe)

Easy and ready in less than 30 minutes, these perfectly roasted Brussels sprouts and carrots are glazed with a touch of hot honey. These two veggies go together so well, and are such a great side for any quick dinner, meal-prep or a special occasion.
10 minutes
20 minutes
Show nutritional information
This is our estimate based on online research.
Fat:5 g
Carbohydrates:15 g
Protein:3 g
Cholesterol:0 g
Sodium:145 mg
Fiber:4 g
Sugars:11 g
Calculated per serving.

Serves: 4

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Note, these instructions are written assuming the standard serving size, since you have modified the number of servings, these steps may need to be modified for best results
  1. Preheat the oven to 420° Fahrenheit.
  2. Wash and peel the carrots. Slice them in an angle or slices, not too large.
  3. Wash the Brussels sprouts. Cut the bottom off, then slice the sprouts in half.
  4. Add the veggies to the large baking sheet. Drizzle the oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder over, and toss with your hand or a spatula until all the veggies are coated in spices.
  5. Distribute the veggies in one single layer, placing the Brussels sprouts cut side down. Bake for 13 to 18 minutes or until the veggies are tender but still with a small resistance when poked with a fork.
  6. Carefully remove the baking tray from oven, drizzle the hot honey over the veggies and toss them gently with a spatula. Add back to oven and continue roasting for 5 minutes or until veggies are cooked thru.
  7. Sprinkle with fresh parsley, a little more hot honey and salt and pepper if you wish, and serve with sides of choice. Enjoy!


  • Cooking time will vary by a few minutes depending on your oven and the size of the veggies. Keep an eye starting after 13 minutes if your veggies are smaller to not overcook them.

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