Steak + Shrimp Tart Cherry Teriyaki Udon (Edit recipe)

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  • 34 recipes
My obsession with Tart Cherry juice has found its way into my cooked meals and DANG is this one good!!! Quick shoutout to my real life friend Amy Bachman. Her family has supplied mine with beef for years and how amazing is it that I get to now share their incredible farm with you all! They do grassfed and finished beef properly. They rotate the grasses that are grazed and it truly results in a superior flavor. My husband does not like grass finished beef, but Bachman is the exception. We both agree, the flavor is unmatched and once you try their beef you won’t go back!
20 minutes
20 minutes
Show nutritional information
This is our estimate based on online research.
Fat:24 g
Carbohydrates:40 g
Protein:39 g
Cholesterol:225 g
Sodium:1727 mg
Fiber:0 g
Sugars:19 g
Calculated per serving.

Serves: 4

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Tart Cherry Teriyaki Sauce


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Note, these instructions are written assuming the standard serving size, since you have modified the number of servings, these steps may need to be modified for best results
  1. Whisk the cornstarch into the cherry juice, then whisk the rest of the sauce ingredients in and sit your sauce aside.
  2. Cook your udon (according to packaging) and then place a lid on it to keep it warm once drained, setting it aside (no longer on a burner). I suggest a larger pot so that you can add the meat/veggies and sauce to the same pot to save on dishes.
  3. Heat a skillet on medium for 1-2 minutes, I'm using a 10" cast iron. Add your sesame oil.
  4. Generously salt and pepper your steak and then add it to your skillet, the goal is to get a good brown crisp on one side, so try not to move it around. I prefer to just crisp one side and then remove it from the skillet and add it to the noodles, but you'll want to cook it per your own preferences. Keep in mind you'll place it back on the heat later, so you want to under cook it slightly for this step then add to the noodles and replace the lid on the noodles.
  5. Generously salt and pepper your shrimp. Place in cast iron skillet you just removed the steak from. Only cook until they just begin to curl as they'll cook a bit more with the noodles and then a bit further later on, so I try to adjust my heat to get a bit of a crisp on them, but it's not a big deal if you don't. It's more important that you don't overcook them. Remove from skillet and add to noodles and steak, replace the lid on the noodles.
  6. Add broccoli, onion, bell pepper and cabbage to the skillet. Cook down, stirring occasionally. This will take longer than the steak and shrimp, probably 5-10 minutes - you'll want to check that the broccoli is cooked to your preference. If this is taking an exorbitant amount of time, salt your vegetables a bit and it'll release the water from them and start to steam cook them.
  7. Once the vegetables are cooked down, add the sauce. Adjust heat to med-high and get the sauce bubbling for a minute, this will thicken it. Once thickened, add the vegetables and sauce to your noodles and give it all a stir over low heat.
  8. Using tongs, plate up your dinner and top with sesame seeds! Enjoy!


This recipe is very easy to make your own! I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

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