2 Ingredient Chocolate Cereal Bark (Edit recipe)

2-ingredient chocolate cereal bark that is simply too easy to say no to! This is the perfect easy treat to satisfy your sweet tooth and is ready in less than 5 minutes.
5 minutes
2 minutes
Show nutritional information
This is our estimate based on online research.
Fat:0 g
Carbohydrates:5 g
Protein:1 g
Cholesterol:0 g
Sodium:32 mg
Fiber:1 g
Sugars:0 g
Calculated for total recipe.

Serves: 1

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  • 30 grams Dark Chocolate
  • 0.25 cup Cheerios, (Uncle Tobys) or your cereal of choice


Note, these instructions are written assuming the standard serving size, since you have modified the number of servings, these steps may need to be modified for best results
  1. Break up chocolate into a small bowl and microwave for 20-30 secs (or until melted) *be careful not to microwave for too long, as chocolate will seize
  2. Stir in your cereal and coat evenly
  3. Spread onto a baking sheet and place in fridge/freezer to set
  4. Enjoy this delicious easy snack !!
  5. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 1 week

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