Peanut Butter & Jelly Poptarts! (Edit recipe)

These pop-tarts are made with wholesome ingredients and leave out the refined sugar, dyes, gluten, and inflammatory oils. The peanut butter and jelly flavor was a favorite of mine! You can absolutely use this base to make other flavors, too!
15 minutes
15 minutes
Show nutritional information
This is our estimate based on online research.
Fat:31 g
Carbohydrates:42 g
Protein:13 g
Cholesterol:48 g
Sodium:50 mg
Fiber:3 g
Sugars:3 g
Calculated per serving.

Serves: 5

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Note, these instructions are written assuming the standard serving size, since you have modified the number of servings, these steps may need to be modified for best results
  1. Process together flours, sugar, and butter until crumbled. Then add egg and process again until doughy
  2. Wrap that dough in plastic wrap in a disc shape and refrigerate at least 30 min
  3. Lay out parchment paper, sprinkle with tapioca flour, place dough down, another piece of parchment paper on top and roll out into a rectangle
  4. Use a pizza cutter to remove edges so it's straight and cut into 10 rectangles
  5. Move that parchment paper to a baking sheet, then place in the fridge
  6. Meanwhile take two piping bags or 2 ziplock bags, cut off the ends, and fill one with jam and one with peanut butter
  7. Line the center of half your pop tart squares
  8. Place other halves of dough on top, and press edges down with a fork. Poke a few holes in the top
  9. Bake at 350 for 20 min and then cool completely
  10. Mix icing ingredients together, spread on top of pop-tarts and enjoy!
  11. keep stored in the fridge

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